Saturday 21 January 2012

Final Design for "Prepare"

Good Morning,
I have finally finished my design for prepare, I have thought long and hard and the best way I wanted to create this creation of mine was to make you all dinner. Yes that's right a good cooked meal!!

Steps that I took to get there, went to the market and bought two boneless chickens

- Cleaned them off, rubbed chicken spice all over
-Fried both sides for 7-9 minutes till golden
-Baked in oven for 35-40mins 

-Boiled water
-Added the noodles , cook them until tender or just right
-Strained the pasta, add cheese pack, pour a little bit of milk,
a spoon of butter (half)
-Stir and serve

Enjoy :) 

My Final Design I am very happy with the way it turned out , I wanted to make it funny and interesting when someone sees it.  The greatest two things was being able to cook, and design a picture about it.

Next Weeks word is.........(twirl) your in for a surprise I have a few things up my sleeve.
Check Back Soon !! 

1 comment:

  1. What a fun idea, Bailey. Very clever! :^) My chief concern is that you're using found visuals (the red curtains stage area) which I'm not sure are copyright free. You would have to show us the source of this image and indicate that it was free to use or that you requested and gained permission to use it. In the future it would be best to create your own artwork or shoot your own photography. And even then, I'd prefer that you modify photography so it doesn't look like photography anymore. It is "Illustration Friday" afterall. :^)

    The design also has a major issue I want you to watch out for in the future: you've split the composition pretty much in half horizontally. One half is all colour and curving shapes, the other is all black and white and very geometric. This composition lacks harmony. Try to remember the rules of composition we learned last year, in this case especially the "rule of thirds".

    Good effort and keep trying! If you want additional feedback on your concepts before you go to final, email me your thumbnails for "Twirl" and I'll try to give you some advice :^)
